Completed Grey Hunter (Name Unknown)

My Personal 'Progress Site' covering the various Miniature Gaming hobbies i engage in. Although more geared towards Warhammer 40,000 (and Games Workshop), segments of Warmachine (From Privateer Press) will also be featured. This will allow me to keep track of all my ideas for both 40K and WM systems (since my memory is somewhat diminished) and show my progress with each.
nice, very nice!! *big thumbs-up!*
The pic is a little dark, so it´s hard to see details but I think it looks very nice indeed.
How have you painted the bolter? Black - bolt gun metal - black ink -chain mail and then codex grey high-light? (or Vallejo equivalent)
just an idea though, add some runes to his chainsword and maybe even some gore..? ;9
I hope you put him up on the B&C.
It was worth waiting for!
Great job. The blacklining looks very nice and I like the furry combat shield (it is a combat shield..isn't it?).
Gah.. the pic is STILL DARK!! And that was after i digitally brightened it! But i do need a second lamp to use for taking pics. Yeah the Bolter was painted black, with boltgun, black ink etc etc, the same way you described it.
I might add some runes to the Chainsword actually, see how steady my hand is i guess.
Indeed i put him up on the B&C, but NEVER in PC&A!
Well im glad you think the wait was worth it Arjan! The black lining COULD be alot smoother, and umm, thats a wolf pelt, not a combat shield my friend....
yeah man, was really worth the waiting, he looks great, keep this level up for the rest of your wolves ;)
Well im glad y'all like it. And i do intend to keep this up for the rest of them. And yes, i will TRY and make more motion dynamic wolf pelts
*mutters something silent and derogatory about rico*
you could've fooled me as far as wysiwyg :D
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