Sunday, April 03, 2005

A Poll!!!!

Taking some advice from Vash and moving it to the next level, i bring to you a PAINTING POLL!!

Since the color scheme of my Sisters is still in MUCH doubt, ive worked on some images in paintshop pro and came up with the following image:

Sisters of Battle Poll!!

You have FOUR choices: '1', '1.1', '2' and '?'

Now for the clarifications:

- 1.1 differs from 1 in that there is lighter robes. Otherwise, the armor color is the same.
- '?' is basically meaning back to the drawing board i go. If you feel the first three schemes arent very nice, suggest some ideas alterations and i can get back to you on those ones. I am preferring to avoid the major current Order colors, as well as things like Dark Grey, Purple, Dark Green, Blue-Grey, Dark Blue as i dont want to repeat main colors on two different armies. Admittedly, '2' isnt as light as i would like it to be, but its just a visual guess, its not like i can upload my Vallejo and GW paint collections into Paintshop pro for more true to color colors.

PLEASE vote. Just leave a comment in this post. I will be VERY hurt if you dont vote!! I'll hopefully announce the results within the next few days :)



The Angelus Sanctus said...

Ok, we have ONE vote for Contestant '1.1'

Keep the votes comin' :)


The Angelus Sanctus said...

And now, we have a vote for Contestant '1'. Could be interesting!!

Keep the votes coming in or else i will hurt you!!! ^_^


The Angelus Sanctus said...

Ok, so here are the current results:

'1' - 1 Vote
'1.1' - 2 Votes
'2' - 1 Vote

'?' - No'2 Armor Scheme + White Cloak

Goin' good folks :)


Arjan said...

I can't seem to find a 'vote' button (hey it's monday morning) so I'll just leave my comment here.
Please...not the nr2, I hatesesss smurfs :P
Because I haven't had time to think about an other paintscheme, I will go for nr1.
I like the darker robes.

The Angelus Sanctus said...

there isnt a 'vote' button as such my friend :p It was more of a see the schemes and post a comment type of voting style.

But thanks for the vote. The Grey Scheme is proving to be very popular and yeah, i agree that the blue isnt too crash hot, but im still gonna work on an actual physical color test for it.

So at this time we have:

2 votes for '1'
2 votes for '1.1'
and 1 vote for '2'.

Additional schemes to be looked at are a blue + white cloak scheme :)