Random Musing from the B&C

My Personal 'Progress Site' covering the various Miniature Gaming hobbies i engage in. Although more geared towards Warhammer 40,000 (and Games Workshop), segments of Warmachine (From Privateer Press) will also be featured. This will allow me to keep track of all my ideas for both 40K and WM systems (since my memory is somewhat diminished) and show my progress with each.
That was a complete spam action at B&C. looks like you've been missing something while it wasn't there :P
heh you sick puppy :P man the mods won't be happy with that you know ;)
HEY! Oddly enough, it was not all "spam". If i wanted to spam, i would have gone well into three digit numbers.
Heh, i managed to get up to 76 posts!!
But that was after being kicked back to 66, so i only did 10 posts in the last hour or so. I suspect it also revolves around my time zone, so once it hits midnight, the count will go back down to 0 or something like that. Im still impressed, got SOO close to 100!!
Oi! Ya weedy git! Spamming the beautiful B&C! ;)
Just kidding, of course! :)
Didn´t know you could check that, muct see how much I "spammed" myself..! Probably not that much, but I did post some *whine* in a few threads. Among them, your Grey Hunter thread, Pippi. 8)
Have you tested your concentration yet, by the way..? Ten dollars you will fail the first time! ;D
Hey hey!! Difference between weedy git and constructive advice :P
Heh.. and YEAH LOOK AT YOU!! Mr, im also in the top 10 :P But yeah, alot of my posts were coming straight out of the SW Forum, otherwise, it wasnt THAT bad.
I still havent tried the Concentration test and no im not betting that $10 :P I'll let you know how it goes, AND ill get back to your email as well.
Hehe, I´ve been too much over at the Whaggh!...
Still think you should put up Pippi on the PC&A though... :)
I think you are spending too much time at Waaagh!!
Ugh, we'll see about "Pippi" being put into PC&A. Ill ask around in my thread to see if he is worthy of being put into PC&A.
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