So here we have the wolves. As you can see the chests have been done, sadly in gold, but oh well. Btw, the marine on the far right is only blu-tac'd as im workin' on his pelt atm. You can see ive done the "lining" of it, but i need to do the fur section before i glue it onto the mini itself. The chest "eagles" look so-so, although i think i might do a wash over them again, as it looks like i just fully painted them, but in real life there IS a distinction of the wing segments. Hopefully if all goes well, these four hunters (as you see them now) will have all their bits and pieces done as the Sisters test colors are now completed. So basically i just have my half a grey hunter pack and the thousand sons mini to complete for this month and ill actually be doing well. The only downside that i can forsee atm is that i wont be hittin the hobby shop til friday evening, so the far right hunter may not be completed as i wont have the paints/inks i want (hence why i did gold "eagles"). Also, i wont be taking any pics til the end of the week, as i need to get new batteries for the cam as i kinda almost killed them doing these two pics (think i mentioned this in the SoB update). Otherwise, thats it from me for today.

Read Above as always.

bogger or blogger
They look nice.
Seems to have gone back to Blogger again which is good.
they look nice, excellent work, as i said over msn ;)
keep up the good work,
Why thank you Mr Riccardo ^_^
Ill be sure to keep up my best efforts on these marines for sure.
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