Before i forget, here is the FINISHED test colors for my Sisters of Battle, well the basecoats anyway. Im quite happy with them paint wise, although it is a bit rough in some areas, for about 45 mins work on each (i noted the time i started and finished on the second model) it wasnt too bad. All done with ONE brush and i still managed to pull of some black lining here and there. The pic isnt going to do them justice too much, although im definitely leaning towards the grey over the blue. As someone said earlier, they seem too Ultramarine like (when they were using the lighter blue color). But overall, i am happy with the result. I'll probably play with the chest eagles in the colors i would use for the Fleur de Lys and maybe ill do something about the purity seals and the metal areas here and there. Otherwise, its done in my books, as it was the base coat i was interested in. I also noticed, more particularly with the blue, that in some areas, the previous base coat comes out, and sure it may make it messy, in a way i like it as it gives the armor some form of "texture".
Enjoy the some what crappy pic, and remember to keep voting for the SoB schemes. Since its equal for the grey color, i MAY go with both schemes and use the variations in the red robes as a way of marking out Sisters eg Standard Battle Sister and (Veteran) Sister Superiors.
SoB Color Test Pic

Read Above for more info.

What kind of background did you looks very..yellow.
Reflecting light makes the entire photo yellow.
As you've seen on my photobucket I've use a more matt color/fabric which doesn't reflect the light as much. I think this might do the trick.
Not flashing (doesn't look like you used a flash) helps. And a diffused light source helps.
Other than that, I have to read up on taking pics of miniatures.
Usually i just place the models onto and in front of plain white card. If you look at past pics, ive NEVER had this yellow issue before.
I didnt do anything to the camera (i never use flash) and the pic was yellow before i did any brightness/contrast alterations in PSP.
I SUSPECT my light source may have been too close to the miniatures than normal, as that was the only thing that changed from my "standard" routine.
Although i want to get a second lamp, so i can have a light source on both sides, as ive noticed, models that are closer to the light source get picked up better, whilst ones away from it, are a tad bit darker.
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