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T-minus 5 and counting!!
Getting closer to 100 posts!! In any case, Ive set my 'nids a tad bit back, since I wont have much to work with once these color tests are finished (except a single ravener, if I can ever get some rending claws from SOMEWHERE). I just managed to finished completely a second grey hunter and did some more black undercoats on some new stuff, so in the next day or so I'll probably do some base coating with those. Heck, I might get another model done up within the next week if the base coating process goes well (since the main central section is done). All that needs to be done on that particular hunter is the arm sections (including shoulder pads) and the backpack. Still need to work on the Battle Sister's basing, since that will probably have to go back to the GS, and unlike my Space Wolves bases, needs to be some what flat.. if not ALOT flat, since Im going with a tiled look. I could save myself some hassle and just cut the Sister off from her lil 'slot' segment, patch up the feet and glue her down normally, so we'll see how things go. If that works as well as it sounds like in theory, then I wont need to go down the GS route, which will save alot more time and hassle.
Also did some modelling on my future wolf scouts, well a single scout anyway, and my goodness, making my own scouts is NOT fun... Thank goodness, my 'Dark Angels' scouts will be alot more regular looking.
Otherwise, thats about it for this entry. Ill add a pic (or two) of the completed minis, either in a few minutes time OR later today/tomorrow. And after recalling the dreaded experience with the 'Nid pics, Ill probably combine BOTH pics into one pic and post it here (since I dont feel like using my 96th post as a pic only post)!!
Here is the pic I promised of both the Space Wolves Grey Hunter and Sisters of Battle Battle Sister... The Hunter looks ok in the pic (been a good pic), the Sister, well the pic was good, but the paint work in some areas (especially the face) still needs some more work. Ill probably let that model fly, but for future models, try and take a bit more care in doing the face etc.

hehe from one side she looks like she's been hit with a make-up gun ;)
The grey wolf looks nice. NEXT :D
Merry christmas ^^
Yeah, my ability to paint facial detail is somewhat, bad, but oh well.. I do agree that in some camera angles, it really looks bad....
The Hunter turned out very nicely. Definitely turning out to be some of the best marines I have painted in a LONG time... Even makes my EC marines look pretty sub-par. Getting close to having ANOTHER one finished, and then after that, things might slow down a tad bit, despite the fact I feel like Im painting them faster (maybe it's because Im getting more finished in a short period of time).
Merry Xmas to you too dude =)
are you gonna hit 100 useful posts before 2006?
Ehh, not sure.. I was thinking about it, but I doubt I will.. which will be a shame, but oh well...
Yeah, Im liking how these Grey Hunters are turning out. Sure in some areas the black lining is a lil slobby, but overall, and for my level, I cant complain at all. The light shoulder pad will indeed get a transfer (shoulder pad for the Great Company marking) while the other shoulder pad is a pack status marking. I was thinking a different color instead, but after having a few chats with Rico from things he observed from the Bill King books, the yellow wasnt a bad idea, as its a bit more 'beastial' in terms of the eye color.
The Sister isnt too bad at all.. Im still happy with it, can obviously use some cleaning up, but oh well, got about 20 other models after her, so I have heaps of models to try on.
Indeed I am using the Prophet Mini guide for the Wolf Scouts (including the remodeled legs ;)). It isnt too bad, plus ive had some experience with that after some of my Grey Hunters had minor leg alterations. Shoulder pads will be interesting (using the top section cut off from normal marine arms atm). Would love some Kroot shoulder pads if I could get some. Arms wise Im staying with Chaos Marauders, and even bits of the Chaos Warriors. Not too worried about the backpacks, as ill fill them up with all sorts of accessories (backpacks, knives, grenades etc). Which reminds me, Mold Line removal is a PAIN!!! Been doing some minis on and off for the Scouts, and good lord.. Marines have it easy!! Worst piece Ive had to clean up thus far was a Marauder arm!!
In any caes, depending how things go, there MAY be some WIP shots by the end of the week, but I highly doubt it.
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