Believe it or not, this is the 'rustic' looking 'Nid that had an inking of both black and flesh inks. The camera didnt pick up well on the effect, but you can see it in areas here and there. Guessing if my lighting was ALOT better and I wasnt relying on the camera flash, it could probably come out alot better. Otherwise, it aint a bad effect. Only downside is.. I think the pic muted out some of the 'chrome' effect, then again, maybe it didnt since the flash is catching on a few of the upper body surfaces. What will I do with this 'Nid? Not sure.. But I might keep this method of inking for brood differentiation or perhaps just for the occasional mini differentiation.

Well we all know this HAD to have been a Hormagaunt when it was in its fresh state, now its just the remains off. Anyway, this is the way Im looking at painting my 'Nids. The chrome effect is still there (might do a heavier drybrush and thinner inking). The highlights are with Cold Grey, and the talons and claws got a quick gunmetal (didnt want to highlight them too extremely, which is what Chainmail probably WOULD have done). Not sure if I wanted to wash over the highlights (which I did do on the Chitin areas, and followed up with a highlight of Stonewall grey). But otherwise, its looking quite nicely which leads us to the next picture........

I think this pic was the best of all the pics and did the rear of the gaunt some good. You can see the highlights better on the chitin areas and some of the ribbed areas here and there. Instead of going a standard 'line' highlight on the chitin, I "tried" to use a more thin line effect, like how its demonstrated on some models in the 'Nid codex. I think it came out ok. Although, ugh, wishing the chrome look didnt get so washed out (bad pun-ish?), as it looks like basic black. Which isnt true when comparing a pure black mini versus a black inked mini as the chrome effect comes through.

This is the poor ass mini that got highlighted with Chainmail, which is probably WHY in all the pics its really showing the metal effect quite clearly (looks worse in r/l). Ill probably ink over this mini, do the grey highlights, pick out the claw and teeth with gunmetal (and MAYBE a very LIGHT highlight of chainmail on the very edges) and try some 'mucous' effects on it with craft glue (if I can ever find that WD issue that covered it, I think it was a Carnifex modelling article). Alternatively I could use a hot glue gun, but that could be a tad bit too much trouble for what I want.

So there it is folks... Next time Ill put the pics ALL together, or NOT take so many pics. I'll probably focus on the Former Hormagaunt test and the Termagant test and do comparison pics later on.
A question that popped up when I saw the pictures was: did you paintstrip them? Because somehow at least pic 1 looks like there is something like a rough area under the paint. I know the models are just e-bay 'parts' but I was just wondering..
I like the first picture best. It has the grimey alien look where as the others except the 3rd pic (grey highlight) looked to metally.
mmm once you've painted your scrap nids they look like perfect corpse models..
I didnt strip them at all, but I did notice that on some of the models as well (funny that it also gives it some nice texture).
The 4th pic I know is WAY too metal, although pics 2/3 werent too bad. The only downside about the style of the first one is the fact it will be hard to highlight, although I just ran through the Alien Based movies, mainly the special feature parts and aside from AvP, from Alien onwards, color wise it went to a more brown-tan color (which is where I got my theme from).
Heh, I probably wont use them as corpse models, but definitely use them as reference minis when the time comes.
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