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An SoB Update
I have to admit, that stupid laptop issue really muddled me up when it came to the pics. I had 5 pics, two of which I didnt use in the end as they looked over exposed so I kept these 3. As you can tell there is a progression of the paint work on the mini up to its current state. And NO it isnt finished as I will be doing the red robes, although black doesnt look too bad. Will hopefully pick up the paint this week, since the shop was closed today. Doesnt look too bad for my first SoB model. I should also REALLY try to finish another Grey Hunter, especially after I had to redo his shoulder pad cos I forgot the color scheme.
Dawn of War wise, it aint a bad game, up to Mission 4 or 5 now, and damn, I swear those orks know no limit! Playing as marines aint bad. Plus dreadnoughts REALLY kick alot of ass! Damn those assault cannons can really lay out some damage! Although for some weird ass reason I wouldnt mind a skirmish play to see what the Chaos and Eldar sides are like.
Anyway, Im gonna do some other stuff then head to bed, as I feel tired!

Progression of an SoB Model 
Wow! :D That´s one great looking girl!! ;) Her face is fantastic and the armour turned out great!
Sorry, gotta run, but had to say that. ;) Simply great..!
Danke Danke Tobias!! Yeah the paintjob wasnt too bad, and the face isnt too bad at all, although I think the flash might have 'over exposed' the mini.
Just need to get the robes done and voila, finished Sister.
Im sure Ill catch up with you next time ;)
Maybe you should leave the robe black (just highlight it slightly)? I think that might look good, well, it already does! ;)
The head is fine and as they´re usually the focal point on a mini, well done!
I really can't say if red would look better, when I see how the rest of the mini looks now.
Good job. Her face does look a little bleak though but for the rest very nice (could also be the pic).
@Tobias - Yeah, the black aint too bad, although Ill strill try the red out as well, although if I found out the black looks better, I will be rightly annoyed!
Yeah the head turned out ok, since I HATE painting faces, it wasnt too bad, and its alot better than some of the faces I did like 6 yrs ago...
@Arjan - Yeah I agree, I cant tell if red is better/worse than black either. I think its the pic since I think the flash over exposed the mini (too much light) so the armor loooks alot lighter and whiter than it should be and the face is a lil blah lol. I might have to pull out the lamps again and not use the camera flash lol
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