So here is a pic of the mini Im working on, thought I would do it in a semi stage by stage bit for some weird reason. I decided to use the flash on the camera this time, and surprisingly enough, I got some good results from it, except in the pic with the black undercoat, as it looks a bit too flashy. Cleaning it up was a pain, and I still saw some mold lines on the mini after I put the undercoat on, but oh well.... Next stage is to do the base coat of Cold Grey (Codex Grey for you Citadel users). Im debating if I want to start black lining already, or if I should paint it completely and 'black line' with the Cold Grey. I had a look at the test marine I did, and it still looked ok, so I may do the black lining method as I usually do, plus the Cold Grey is an intermediate step in any case, as I dont want to apply Stone Wall Grey (Fortress Grey I believe) straight over a black undercoat as it may dark it by a few shades.
In other blog news, as you can tell, I've gone on a mad fury and added a whole heap of links ranging from Blogs, to Websites, to Forum boards and what not. I'll probably add more in time. It's quite handy having this lil blog. Anyway, continue to vote as well if you havent (remember 3 model PREFERENTIAL system). In the next few days, Ill tally up the current votes and put them up to see how things go. Once the below mini gets her armor done, I'll probably take it to the B&C for additional decisions pertaining to the robe color. Might try and do some of the details as well, but we'll see how things go. Here is hoping this aint a waste of a model.

Read the Above text as always, well the relevant part to the pic anyway.

At least the base paint looks good. I always hate to use the flash on a cam because of the bleached bone on my models because it reflects to much.
@ Tobias...are you going to restart a blog or will you leave it at the dust collecting one post blog ;)
I just added my "preferential vote" to the older post.
I'll be checking the B&C for yr post
Usually I have to brighten my pics digitally, but I still cant get alot of the details to come out. This time, I got alot of the details to come out, but that flash is somewhat bright for sure.
Not sure when the post on the B&C will start up, we'll see how time goes.
I think Tobias should re-start his blog :P
as for my Blog, yeah, I´ll restart it pretty soon... Just have some other stuff to do (on the B&C...) first, I need to get those out of the way first.
I like the idea of showing us it stage by stage Chris! Big thumbs up!
How many Sisters do you have..?
Oh, and I checked my bitz-box, sadly I have no older boltguns left... :(
Later... 8)
I had a feeling you didnt have any older boltguns available, but thats ok.
I think I have around 20 Sisters, 5 Seraphim and a full squad of Sisters Repentia. May have a few extra Sisters here and there. Hopefully I'll try and get started on the first base coat on that Sister and see how things go from there.
Good to hear that you plan to re-start you blog, I think it be a good thing to do!
I was just ROFL because of the 'how many sisters do you have'.
Big family Chris ^^
*Shakes Head*
And yes, We are all incestuous and enjoy a gang bang on the weekend :P
A bit of forced repenting :P
But of course :P
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