So this is what YOU need to do.... Cast a vote (just by adding a comment, cos I aint making no fancy poll for it) and say which number you like (1, 1.1, 3, 3.2, 4, 4.2, 5 and 6). You will notice there is no '2' as that was the blue armor SoB from the LAST vote. Im going to assume things are relatively easy to understand, but for those that are weird in the head:
1 and 1.1: One is a darker red, the other is a lighter red.
3 and 3.2: Light Green vs Dark Green
4 and 4.2: Light Blue vs Dark Blue
5: Orange (Main, it makes Me think Halloween and pumpkins already).
6: Yellow (whoever suggested yellow should be shot).
Another thing that irritates me, I swear I paint better in photoshop than I do normally, as the robes didnt turn out all too bad. Personally, I dont know which one to go for, I can only think of Bretonnians at the moment...
So yeah, you know your duty now, SO GO DO IT!!! *snickers*

Read the entry for more weird ass Bretonnian inducing fears and terrors...... *shakes head in disgust*

Lets see if I can add in the last color test:

There it is folks. Ill be deleting the seperate post for this one, so here is a color test with BLACK. Otherwise, y'all know what to do.
So far....
there has been ONE vote cast (and it wasnt Me)...
So, Poll currently stands at:
1 - 1
1.1 - 0
3 - 0
3.2 - 0
4 - 0
4.2 - 0
5 - 0
6 - 0
*taps fingers impatiently*
What y'all do, go out drinking last night!!! :P
Anyway, dont forget to vote, and DONT forget that there is another available scheme in a seperate post ('7').
I was talking to Crayoneater from the B&C and I may go aheadin doing a proper paint test, but just do the armor and sort out the rest in due time. I'd prefer not too, but oh well...
So vote.. Yessssssssss
1 it is. Although I also kinda like the dark blue one.
Thanks for the explanation...I'm weird in the head (kiddin'....I think).
Where is this 'bretonnian fear' thingie?
And what's with the clicky to picasa?
And the reason I post only's only 10.40 am over here (you know...GMT+1 time and all). And why even that late? I had to watch the 'Asian screen movie' on MTV (Public Enemy). the other post again. Black is also quite ok. But I already voted..and we don't want we now.
And on how to add the black SoB (everytime this abreviation reminds me of son-of-a bitch..but as makes no sense)...just edit your post while logged in and cut the link to the pic out of the last (top) post and past it when you are in edit mode of this post.
But you must already know this.
Danke for voting Arjan ^_^. '1' Seems quite populat and I havent even cast My own vote yet either. Im VERY tempted to change the voting system and do it by a 'point' system, as some of them do look nice. So I'll see how that goes... I might have to go all technical and start up a seperate notepad file or something...
As for this Bretonnian Fear, for some reason, when I look at the Bretonnian Knights, I have always seen them in various colors etc, and all that color use made me think, AHH BRETONNIA!!
The link to picasa is because I use a program called 'Hello' to load up images directly to My blog (over using up MORE space at My photobucket).
Dont worry, Your not the only that thinks of son of a bitch when thinking SoB.
And I did have a good feeling that was how to edit the posts to add in the last color test, but I was feeling excessively lazy at the time, so I might do that now.
So current standing:
1 - 2
1.1 - 0
3 - 0
3.2 - 0
4 - 0
4.2 - 0
5 - 0
6 - 0
7 - 0
Well Im going to be an evil lil person and say, y'all gotta REVOTE! This is my reasoning, Im changing the voting system to a point system (well preference system). Your top three votes will each get awarded with a set amount of points, so Arjan, you'll have to revote and give Me your top 3 preferences: Pref 1, Pref 2 and Pref 3 (in that order) and Ill set up a tally elsewhere to start keeping track of voters and counts. Given that there are so many choices, its a bit unfair to let everything hang on a single vote.
So go give me your preferences folks, and Ill start recording them.
Heh, Im spamming in My own blog.. Rather amusing..
Anyway.. Ive cast My top 3 votes (finally), probably alot easier than doing the whole pick a single one out of 9 choices... Ill see if I can get a few more votes from folk and then do a mid-tally count to see how things are going.
well for choice, id go with black.
reason1: you didnt like red.
reason2: you said you disliked blue just as much
reason3: you need a darker color to contrast the light gray
Go vote properly!! :P
I like no. 1 best, that rich red colour looks best in my opinion. The rest looks, not "weird" but I don´t think they fit... The red one is more gritty or something and I can imagine them looking like that, on a battle field. ;)
And yellow is just plain hard to paint..! ;P
Go for no.1!
Yeah, although the orange and yellow dont look TOO bad, I agree that the ease of painting well, wont be easy..
Gah, preferential voting people :P
Well, I have an idea of what the #1 vote for Tobias and Erwin are, but I need your second and third preferences since Im doing it on a point system.
Heh, since I like spamming My own blog..
So far from 3 voters (Erwin and Tobias arent counted until I get their second and third preferences) its a close run between the Dark Red and Black. The Dark Blue is doing ok, and there was even a vote for the Orange. So after Erwin, Tobias and Arjan provide me with the their full votes, Ill show the current running for the votes.
Heh, I was also suggested to do the Orange and yellow robes on BLACK armor, which aint bad, but like hell Im photoshopping black armor...
OMG you spam monster.
I'll do some preferential voting (because the others don't seem to be able to read very well):P
Pref 1: 1 (dark red)
Pref 2: 7 (black)
Pref 3: 4 (dark blue)
Haven't seen Tobias voting...or was he the complete anonymous?
You are btw posting like a madman :P
That's a good thing.
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, damn you winer!
1. black (7)
2. red (1)
3. blue (4)
all the darker ones gfor the contrast. The red just cause it fits with sob, the bue cause it has a sence of "purity" but the black cause it carries a more sober tint. Maybe the order of morning or something?
happy now? go have a smoke
Ahh, much happier. Tobias did indeed post as an anonymous (y'know he can never remember his password :P)
Its going to be a close one between dark red and black thats for sure.
And yes, I am being a spam monster.. IN MY OWN BLOG!! :P And yes, Im posting like a madman in general too, ISNT IT GREAT!!
Ah! I actually found it.:! ;D
Ok, No.1 vote goes to (as before) that no.1 chick. Looks the best in my humble opinion.
No.2 to the Dark Green (3.2.)
And finally, the black on (7?).
The others don´t look good together with the armour´s colour me thinks... but really, the rich, red colour works far, faar better than any of the rest. ;)
THanks for Your votes Tobias. Unfortunately my primary computer has died on me, so its putting a set back into alot of things. From memory, the dark red was leading the votes, so I may stick with that.
Ill try and finish up the mini and see if I can upload pics from my cam to this secondary computer and see how things go from there.
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