So apparently, I've gone and done the following:
"Gods of Chaos hear my call!
I The Angelus Sanctus hereby pledge my soul, my allegiance and that of my troops', to Chaos Eternal.
I promise you that I will paint (to completion) 2 Items of Word Bearers (1x Min Sized Terminators. 1x Min Sized CSM Squad) - within the space of 3 months.
I also promise to provide my fellow Chaos Chaos players with an update, at least twice per month.
The Angelus Sanctus"
"Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!
I The Angelus Sanctus hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.
I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 3 Items of Blood Ravens/Raven Guard/Iron Hands (1 minimum sized Tactical Squad for each Chapter) - within the space of 3 months.
I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least twice a month.
The Angelus Sanctus"
So what does this mean? Some interesting times ahead for the next three months. So essentially i'll be working on 5 Blood Ravens; 5 Raven Guard; 5 Iron Hands and 8 Word Bearers (5 CSM and 3 Terminators). Odd collection if you ask me, plus, it's also weird how it's all just black and red... General theory suggests that I should be able to do this, since for 10 of the models, once the undercoat is on, that's half the work done already!
Next monday (April 13th) the Calls formally start, so this should be good!
Other news: Field Test of Warmachine MK II has come out and suffice to say I'm still mixed emotions about it, although not as 'doom and gloom' as i swear some folks have been on the PP forums. Granted, things were changed, but some of the way people are presenting their doom and gloom doesn't feel like it's in the best way. Sure, there are plenty of Cryx things that happened that I don't agree with (Poor, poor Cankerworm for a start!), but they don't seem too bad, and usually i end up reading/hearing something about a point in another way that makes me think, hey, that's an interesting way of seeing it.
In any case, next week, hopefully should see some nice updates and HOPEFULLY I'll remember about adding in height and width bits into photobucket links here so they can all fix nicely.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
1-1-1-1 Primal Composition
Nay, i haven't stopped painting, but the updates have declined slightly, but i AM still painting! The Shredder from the previous post is done (Ie, his basing is done, minus the flocking). More work has been done on the IH and two WB guys as well, so progress is moving along. I also started cleaning up Thagrosh due to the 1-1-1-1 Army Composition concept.
Side note, I got my Limited Edition SEH!!! (Soulless Elven Hooker) aka Eiryss (yeah SEH is a common name for her) from PP and i picked up Epic Thagrosh (Which has somewhat caused the need to paint up every Thaggy model i own).
Anyway, i thought i would do the 1-1-1-1 comp for some of my armies, and since I'm on an everblight rush, i thought i'd do that. So the 1-1-1-1 is basically a single choice of each model type (Warlock, Warbeast, Unit, Solo). For Everblight, for me, I have chosen Thagrosh as my 'lock (also, I'm ONLY using Primal at this point in time, so no fancy Evolution of Metamorphisis models just yet). For my Warbeast I'm gonig the Carnivean, since it's the only heavy warbeast the Legion have, and since it's a restrained army, i figured i'd better take the best. Unit wise i'm probably thinking of Warmongers since they are going to be pretty durable, but this MAY change. Only reason why i've gone them thus far is because i have the actual models. The solo choice will have to be a Forsaken (only solo we have in Primal) however i don't have the model yet!
Still haven't had a chance to sit down and calculate points, as i'd still like it to be roughly around 350, so that may mean i'll have to take 3 Warmongers only instead of a full squad of 5.
Now i expect this lil plan of mine will probably take the next 10 thousand years to do, but eh, we'll see. I will be making an attempt to paint both Thags and eThags at the same time, so yeah, there will be something interesting. I also want to get rid of my Angelius before i start up on the Carnivean, so yeah, this may take a while, on top of painting everything else that strikes my fancy (at least i'm never bored!)
So that's basically the plan atm, figured i'd get this out in the air now before people thought i was slacking off again....
Side note, I got my Limited Edition SEH!!! (Soulless Elven Hooker) aka Eiryss (yeah SEH is a common name for her) from PP and i picked up Epic Thagrosh (Which has somewhat caused the need to paint up every Thaggy model i own).
Anyway, i thought i would do the 1-1-1-1 comp for some of my armies, and since I'm on an everblight rush, i thought i'd do that. So the 1-1-1-1 is basically a single choice of each model type (Warlock, Warbeast, Unit, Solo). For Everblight, for me, I have chosen Thagrosh as my 'lock (also, I'm ONLY using Primal at this point in time, so no fancy Evolution of Metamorphisis models just yet). For my Warbeast I'm gonig the Carnivean, since it's the only heavy warbeast the Legion have, and since it's a restrained army, i figured i'd better take the best. Unit wise i'm probably thinking of Warmongers since they are going to be pretty durable, but this MAY change. Only reason why i've gone them thus far is because i have the actual models. The solo choice will have to be a Forsaken (only solo we have in Primal) however i don't have the model yet!
Still haven't had a chance to sit down and calculate points, as i'd still like it to be roughly around 350, so that may mean i'll have to take 3 Warmongers only instead of a full squad of 5.
Now i expect this lil plan of mine will probably take the next 10 thousand years to do, but eh, we'll see. I will be making an attempt to paint both Thags and eThags at the same time, so yeah, there will be something interesting. I also want to get rid of my Angelius before i start up on the Carnivean, so yeah, this may take a while, on top of painting everything else that strikes my fancy (at least i'm never bored!)
So that's basically the plan atm, figured i'd get this out in the air now before people thought i was slacking off again....
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
The Cleaning goes to plan!
I'm going to try to randomly change the pic layout on this and use proper Photobucket linkage, so bare with me.
Quick summary wise, the painting desk clean up is going well. Been hitting up both GW and PP models, to the point i'm just going to let the pictures do the talking.
Only thing that erks me about the Shredder is some of the un-smoothness of the highlighting. However, given that it was my first Legion model, it's ok that the highlighting wasn't perfect. However, with the advent of the most excellent Foundation washes, that issue may soon be rectified!
Anyway, let us try the pics!!

Quick summary wise, the painting desk clean up is going well. Been hitting up both GW and PP models, to the point i'm just going to let the pictures do the talking.
Only thing that erks me about the Shredder is some of the un-smoothness of the highlighting. However, given that it was my first Legion model, it's ok that the highlighting wasn't perfect. However, with the advent of the most excellent Foundation washes, that issue may soon be rectified!
Anyway, let us try the pics!!

Sunday, March 01, 2009
Clean up Time!!
So I decded to take a pic of my painting desk:

As you can see, there is alot of stuff on it! With the LPC now finished at the B&C, I'm going to try and push for a cleaner painting desk and as a result, try to paint up half the stuff (well ideally ALL the stuff) on that desk so i can do a quick re-configue of the desk. The good thing is that there is a nice variety happening there with both GW and PP stuff, so being bored of painting shouldn't really happen.
With the few days remaining of this long weekend, I'm hoping to get a good start again on the 'test' WB minis as well as try to make progress on my Test IH mini. I also for some weird reason want to finish that lil Shredder, especially now that the 3rd Book for Hordes is going to be in my hands very, very soon! Hopefully i'll be able to cement down the painting style for that (I should really make small notes as to how I am painting things, as i really forget =X) and hopefully try to clear off the Angelius that is happily taking up space!
Sure this won't be an easy task (and man, the more i think about it, this is starting to sound like a 2009 Resolution, which in a way it is, at least informally)....
So yeah, that's the big plan for this year!
Now to see if it will ever occur =X

As you can see, there is alot of stuff on it! With the LPC now finished at the B&C, I'm going to try and push for a cleaner painting desk and as a result, try to paint up half the stuff (well ideally ALL the stuff) on that desk so i can do a quick re-configue of the desk. The good thing is that there is a nice variety happening there with both GW and PP stuff, so being bored of painting shouldn't really happen.
With the few days remaining of this long weekend, I'm hoping to get a good start again on the 'test' WB minis as well as try to make progress on my Test IH mini. I also for some weird reason want to finish that lil Shredder, especially now that the 3rd Book for Hordes is going to be in my hands very, very soon! Hopefully i'll be able to cement down the painting style for that (I should really make small notes as to how I am painting things, as i really forget =X) and hopefully try to clear off the Angelius that is happily taking up space!
Sure this won't be an easy task (and man, the more i think about it, this is starting to sound like a 2009 Resolution, which in a way it is, at least informally)....
So yeah, that's the big plan for this year!
Now to see if it will ever occur =X
LPC Vow Complete
Believe it or not, i finished my LPC vow (which for those who may not remember was my Word Bearers Dark Apostle). Granted there probably is a few more things that COULD be done, but largely the model itself is completed and i think it would quite happily make table top standards.
Before i post a pic or two, here are the things i have learned from this mini:
- Sweet, i now know how to get the dark, deep, rich red i want for my WB! This is partly due to the new Foundation Washes, man Badab Black is one handy lil bottle.
- I recall why i like building minis in PIECES... Although the base, the model itself and his backpack were separate, the main bulk of the mini i wish was in more pieces for general ease of access to areas. However, i think i managed quite well.
- I need to tell my brain (and soon) how to discern when a mini hits the table top painted level because it could carry on and on and on on every minor detail that needed to be worked on/touched up on. To be honest, i think of all the time spent painting the model, it was alot of the nit picks that really started stretching out the process. I think another thing that didn't help was the fact i didn't hit same color areas at the same time, so there was an unfortunate repetition of the same paint bottles being opened over and over.
- Finally had a chance to dip my hand (not literally) into all the paint range i have now (P3, Vallejo, Foundation Range + Washes). Suffice to say, they are all of top quality, and things like the washes are darn handy! I'm pretty sure Gryphonne Sepia and Badab Black were my Washes of interest for this mini.
Anyway, let's have some pics!!

Now with the LPC done, i'm going to try and start embarking on the mission of cleaning up my painting desk. Now this isn't a bad thing either and with some potential new Call threads occuring soon, i may be able to get a few minis knocked off my desk (and luckily for me, these ones aren't major complex ones like my Dark Apostle).
Before i post a pic or two, here are the things i have learned from this mini:
- Sweet, i now know how to get the dark, deep, rich red i want for my WB! This is partly due to the new Foundation Washes, man Badab Black is one handy lil bottle.
- I recall why i like building minis in PIECES... Although the base, the model itself and his backpack were separate, the main bulk of the mini i wish was in more pieces for general ease of access to areas. However, i think i managed quite well.
- I need to tell my brain (and soon) how to discern when a mini hits the table top painted level because it could carry on and on and on on every minor detail that needed to be worked on/touched up on. To be honest, i think of all the time spent painting the model, it was alot of the nit picks that really started stretching out the process. I think another thing that didn't help was the fact i didn't hit same color areas at the same time, so there was an unfortunate repetition of the same paint bottles being opened over and over.
- Finally had a chance to dip my hand (not literally) into all the paint range i have now (P3, Vallejo, Foundation Range + Washes). Suffice to say, they are all of top quality, and things like the washes are darn handy! I'm pretty sure Gryphonne Sepia and Badab Black were my Washes of interest for this mini.
Anyway, let's have some pics!!

Now with the LPC done, i'm going to try and start embarking on the mission of cleaning up my painting desk. Now this isn't a bad thing either and with some potential new Call threads occuring soon, i may be able to get a few minis knocked off my desk (and luckily for me, these ones aren't major complex ones like my Dark Apostle).
Friday, February 27, 2009
Mk II ??
So PP have announced that next year will be the release of 'Mk II' (or in simple terms the next edition of Warmachine/Hordes). For the time being i think it's a good idea since PP have gone something around the order of 6 odd years since the first release of Prime, and things have expanded in such a way, a new edition is going to be a good thing. Of course, i'm trying to keep optimistic about this (and it sounds like it WILL be good) and avoid the oh no, impending doom idea of it (gee thanks GW!!).
In other news, the B&C LPC ends this weekend, but i feel confident that i can finish my entry (i will try to get a progress shot up here if i can, well a new one anyway).
Lastly, possibly because of the new Mk II stuff for Warmachine/Hordes, i've been thinking if i want to start segmenting my GW and PP stuff into their own blogs. General idea would be that this blog would remain true to GW whilst the new blog would cater to all stuff PP. Given some of this Mk II issues, i'm actually liking the idea, because i think it's a good idea to segregate the two. Of course the flip side is, by separating the two, it means that i'll have two blogs that are potentially updated very infrequently. But eh, at this point i'm still thinking it over.
I'll try to do a pic update soon!!
In other news, the B&C LPC ends this weekend, but i feel confident that i can finish my entry (i will try to get a progress shot up here if i can, well a new one anyway).
Lastly, possibly because of the new Mk II stuff for Warmachine/Hordes, i've been thinking if i want to start segmenting my GW and PP stuff into their own blogs. General idea would be that this blog would remain true to GW whilst the new blog would cater to all stuff PP. Given some of this Mk II issues, i'm actually liking the idea, because i think it's a good idea to segregate the two. Of course the flip side is, by separating the two, it means that i'll have two blogs that are potentially updated very infrequently. But eh, at this point i'm still thinking it over.
I'll try to do a pic update soon!!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
B&C LPC Update
Well i did it (well, a few weeks ago now) and put my name down for the LPC event. However me being me only signed up for a single miniature (because i know i'm that bad with getting stuff done). However, the modelling phase is pretty much sorted now (thank the gods).
Next up is the undercoating stage, which i'm sure will be fun-fun-fun. I'm fairly happy with the mini, and hopefully once the paint starts getting slapped on, he'll look alot better.
Although from now on, i think i'll re-size my pictures a bit more as i swear they pick up at least a few million things wrong with the model, that i swear even i can't actualy notice!!
Anyway, just a quick pic of the front of the model (note, this isn't the full mini, the backpack and extra accessory have not been included in the shot).

Next up is the undercoating stage, which i'm sure will be fun-fun-fun. I'm fairly happy with the mini, and hopefully once the paint starts getting slapped on, he'll look alot better.
Although from now on, i think i'll re-size my pictures a bit more as i swear they pick up at least a few million things wrong with the model, that i swear even i can't actualy notice!!
Anyway, just a quick pic of the front of the model (note, this isn't the full mini, the backpack and extra accessory have not been included in the shot).

Saturday, January 10, 2009
History Repeats!!
No big surprise really I guess, however work has been pretty hectic the last few weeks, so I am somewhat more drained than I was hoping. Even the two 4-day weekends wasn't sufficient enough to regain some general sanity and stability.
However, stuff does still go on! Just haven't picked up a brush in a wee bit, but i have been playing with plastic and hobby knives heaps!
I've been giving the Librarium Painting Challenge on the B&C a bit of though, although as weird as it sounds, if i do enter I will be so vague with my vow it won't be funny. Chances are it will be along the lines of a single miniature just because it doesn't seem 'extreme' for me given my general life style at this time. Plus if i can finish a single mini, means i'll just re-vow and do another, and if that goes another, etc etc.
Of course the only thing is that i don't want to complete something i've already posted, somewhat cheats it, so i am working on something that i would like to see to completion (and would give the army some focus).
So we'll see. I still have a few days to go before vow submission ends.
However, stuff does still go on! Just haven't picked up a brush in a wee bit, but i have been playing with plastic and hobby knives heaps!
I've been giving the Librarium Painting Challenge on the B&C a bit of though, although as weird as it sounds, if i do enter I will be so vague with my vow it won't be funny. Chances are it will be along the lines of a single miniature just because it doesn't seem 'extreme' for me given my general life style at this time. Plus if i can finish a single mini, means i'll just re-vow and do another, and if that goes another, etc etc.
Of course the only thing is that i don't want to complete something i've already posted, somewhat cheats it, so i am working on something that i would like to see to completion (and would give the army some focus).
So we'll see. I still have a few days to go before vow submission ends.
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