Before i post a pic or two, here are the things i have learned from this mini:
- Sweet, i now know how to get the dark, deep, rich red i want for my WB! This is partly due to the new Foundation Washes, man Badab Black is one handy lil bottle.
- I recall why i like building minis in PIECES... Although the base, the model itself and his backpack were separate, the main bulk of the mini i wish was in more pieces for general ease of access to areas. However, i think i managed quite well.
- I need to tell my brain (and soon) how to discern when a mini hits the table top painted level because it could carry on and on and on on every minor detail that needed to be worked on/touched up on. To be honest, i think of all the time spent painting the model, it was alot of the nit picks that really started stretching out the process. I think another thing that didn't help was the fact i didn't hit same color areas at the same time, so there was an unfortunate repetition of the same paint bottles being opened over and over.
- Finally had a chance to dip my hand (not literally) into all the paint range i have now (P3, Vallejo, Foundation Range + Washes). Suffice to say, they are all of top quality, and things like the washes are darn handy! I'm pretty sure Gryphonne Sepia and Badab Black were my Washes of interest for this mini.
Anyway, let's have some pics!!

Now with the LPC done, i'm going to try and start embarking on the mission of cleaning up my painting desk. Now this isn't a bad thing either and with some potential new Call threads occuring soon, i may be able to get a few minis knocked off my desk (and luckily for me, these ones aren't major complex ones like my Dark Apostle).
I really really like it!
Now onwards to complete the rest of the stuff you've got lying around ;)
I like it too! Could have been a wee bit better, but eh, guess that is what happens when you don't take baby steps to get back into painting (my regular marines will probably look better =X).
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