Next up is the undercoating stage, which i'm sure will be fun-fun-fun. I'm fairly happy with the mini, and hopefully once the paint starts getting slapped on, he'll look alot better.
Although from now on, i think i'll re-size my pictures a bit more as i swear they pick up at least a few million things wrong with the model, that i swear even i can't actualy notice!!
Anyway, just a quick pic of the front of the model (note, this isn't the full mini, the backpack and extra accessory have not been included in the shot).

hehe i've had the same thing with photo's showing faults that I hadn't seen on the model before :P
I'm curious how his cape looks. The chaos claw looks like he had his hand a bit too close to a flame :P
I do have a pic of the cape, i was just too lazy to load it up, although it is somewhat out dated now as i did some tweaking on the cape tonight.
Yeah, the claw does look weird, but it all comes down to angles. Plus non painted models always look weird.
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