As you can see, there is alot of stuff on it! With the LPC now finished at the B&C, I'm going to try and push for a cleaner painting desk and as a result, try to paint up half the stuff (well ideally ALL the stuff) on that desk so i can do a quick re-configue of the desk. The good thing is that there is a nice variety happening there with both GW and PP stuff, so being bored of painting shouldn't really happen.
With the few days remaining of this long weekend, I'm hoping to get a good start again on the 'test' WB minis as well as try to make progress on my Test IH mini. I also for some weird reason want to finish that lil Shredder, especially now that the 3rd Book for Hordes is going to be in my hands very, very soon! Hopefully i'll be able to cement down the painting style for that (I should really make small notes as to how I am painting things, as i really forget =X) and hopefully try to clear off the Angelius that is happily taking up space!
Sure this won't be an easy task (and man, the more i think about it, this is starting to sound like a 2009 Resolution, which in a way it is, at least informally)....
So yeah, that's the big plan for this year!
Now to see if it will ever occur =X
I think the shot tricks us. If you would have zoomed out more, I bet there are like a dozen models more on your desk :P
Actually not really! I did some clean up on it today. On the far right (out of pic) were a lot of my old test color minis and stuff like that. I promptly gave those a dusting off and put them away properly. Although within the picture, i did clear up the far back-right (spot the Alienid? ;)) so the tests for that have been put away and the Alienid moved more to the front.
In the more immediate front, the IH and WB test minis have been touched and the lil Shredder has also been touched today (paint wise), so the clean up is actually progressing quite nicely.
The Angelius will be the worst of everything on the desk, but eh...
I also re-did alot of my "kinder caps" so i made a few more with the paper clip wire going through them as well as re-did the one for the poor TS marine since the one he is on is horribly huge =X
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