Quick summary wise, the painting desk clean up is going well. Been hitting up both GW and PP models, to the point i'm just going to let the pictures do the talking.
Only thing that erks me about the Shredder is some of the un-smoothness of the highlighting. However, given that it was my first Legion model, it's ok that the highlighting wasn't perfect. However, with the advent of the most excellent Foundation washes, that issue may soon be rectified!
Anyway, let us try the pics!!

best thing about PP is their bases, I just love their bases.
Good to see that you are really getting things done!
I've been helping Rico diy'ing in his new appartment which takes up like 90% of my waking day..which leaves me with no painting time this week, but I will be back to painting and posting next week.
doing 3 things at a time made me forget to ask:
does this beastie have any eyes?
for the rest..just keep practicing..it's not that bad.
Oh and I like the middle marine's leg!
Yeah PP have great bases, they feel so much more sturdy than the GW bases.
How is Rico going these days? Managed to see him a few times on MSN several weeks ago, but nothing of him since (man, things have changed over the years, i remember when he was online religiously!)
Nah, the Shredder (and all Legion of Everblight beasts) have no eyes (and yes they do have rules to indicate such as well). Pretty snazzy if you ask me! I still have another 3 shredders to paint, plus a Angelius on which to practice, so, i'll eventually get there! Unlike 40K, and probably something you would understand more having painted 'Nids is trying to get the right technique settled upon for doing flesh areas. The armor plate/scales/whatever they are, are easy to do, but when it comes to fleshy areas, WHAM, it's always a complex painting issue. However, i do intend to get this sorted out soon and hopefully finally end the woes of painting fleshy bits.
Ah, the joys of IH bionics. I'm sure as the model nears proper completion, i'll get a better pic of that mini alone.
Didn't get to do any painting today, really tired (was up insanely early, even for me) but i did grab the new expansion for Hordes, so i guess instead of painting i can read up on the new story for Hordes :)
Yeah Rico isn't much on msn. He works as a security guard for most stores in the centre of Groningen. He's planning to start school again though (outdoor sports/management things).
..I'll catch you on msn or it'll be a long story haha.
My small gaunts are just painted bleached bone, and I stopped using scorched brown for the joints but instead use bestial brown. But a friend of mine (the guy who painted the witchhunters I posted a while back) said I should seriously try dipping them. I'll try but I don't like the slimey look for a Kraken army. In some colorschemes it looks great, but just not on mine. Maybe just ink..argh..like you said..hard.
But then again..if you don't start somewhere.. So what if there's a bit of a difference in quality between the models in your army.
I think i may have heard about the school thing the last time i chatted to him, but it's fair enough that work is going to drag him away.
Yeah, dipping MAY be nice, but i think for you it may be just better off to use your combos of inks/washes/layering. I think you could easily get some nice bone color happening with a wash of Devlan Mud as well. Bestial Brown is great too, i use this as my first coat for going up for red.
Depending how "bad" the quality is, sometimes difference in quality merely shows forward progression. I'm sure as time goes on my Legion scheme will become more smoother, but hey, i'm not disappointed with my work thus far, far from that.
Hopefully this weekend i'll get a chance to do the paint work on the basing and at least get all that done, so all it'll need will be some eventual snow flock.
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