Anyway, here are the two pics:

Above is the WIP of the Robed AotL Vet Sgt. Now, yes, the robes look a lil flat, but thats ok, as that was the intent. The General idea was to lay down the basic look of the robes (and get a few creases into it) and then build up from that. The pic unfortunately doesnt do it justice, and it does look a bit better when NOT viewed through a camera. Hopefully within the next day or so ill start to add in some of the folds into the bottom section of the robes before i start work on the torso bit and the hood. Otherwise, its coming out quite nicely and isnt as 'bulky' as ive seen some folk do robes.

Next is the Nid test scheme WITH the WIP work on the Hormagaunt head. For some weird reason, the head doesnt look THAT big normally, but oh well. However, its going ok, although originally before I did the most recent GS work, the head almost looked like the OOP Ravener (in terms of the back). All i did the last time was make the back look more like a sausage. Scheme wise, is pretty much going to be what is shown above (with a bit more care on the black washes). However, there IS some differences between the two. One has some more muted Cold Grey highlights (with fresh Cold Grey done over them) while the other is Cold Grey highlights and I THINK some quick Stonewall Grey highlights. Personally, im thinking im going to stick with the cold grey highlights, but keep the muted and fresh ones going. Oddly enough, it doesnt look too bad, and sure, its not exactly what i wanted, it isnt too bad at all. The non carapace sections also got some highlights, but i think in future ill keep them as muted cold grey highlights and keep the more 'bright' grey highlights for carapace only. That way there is some distinction between the two and doesnt overly brighten up the mini with excessive grey highlights.
In other news, did some more painting here and there, and did some partial assembly of the 'pack leader'. All that is left on him is his Axe arm (and axe), head, backpack and lil dagger. So far its looking quite good and im quite pleased. Also started slapping on some Sombre Grey onto the arm components of another hunter, which is one of the magnet hunters (Power Fist arm/Regular Close Combat Weapon). So far, doing well, and the legs on that Hunter have already been done. Taking a wee bit of care with the torso section as its got a lil pelt on the bottom of the torso, so im hoping to paint that up first before glueing the torso to the body and finishing the painting. So with a bit of minor luck, might have two more hunters done by the end of the week bringing my total up to 5. As for the Thousand Sons mini, its still getting the undercoat treatment but im hoping to get onto the base coat within the next day or so, although, i might start on the trims first before doing the base coat, so i can freely do the black wash over the metal without upsetting the base coat. Plus, luckily enough, Chaos parts arent as detailed as marine parts, so black lining wont be too difficult to do (for a change).
I probably wont do any more updates for today, although i will continue painting and leave any news for tomorrow, unless i so happen to finish a grey hunter (unlikely, but not impossible).
mm yeah pictures can sometimes kill the real way a model looks.
Probably will be better once you've build more GS on the robe.
The Nid looks quite good. Maybe a little cone headed :P No really it looks good.
The pictures however don't really show the highlights good enough.
And just a short Q..why are you making CLICKY's without having a bigger pic to clicky to ^^
Im probably going to wait another day or so before I do the next GS phase on the robe, but I suspect the main reason it doesnt look crash hot as it has no details in it.
Heh, if you think the Nid looks cone-headed now, you should have seen it before!! It was well and truly a LITERAL cone head!!
Yeah, the pic does look a lil off, but oh well... >.<
Well SOMETIMES, some of the pics I load up are big, most usually arent. Plus, Blogger does the clicky business, I just load em up.
Well after seeing some really "interesting" attempts to robe sculpting from some B&C members and the natural GS Sculpting 101 advise, it would have been an ERROR to have done entire robes in one go. So i felt quite justified in the process i took, and with the basic shape laid down, doing the other folds wont be too difficult.
Heh, Im glad the Nid is giving a strong Alien feel. Another friend of mine had a look and saw the pic and said the exact same thing! Even though the head looks a bit "big" i recall alot of general material on Aliens saying that they so happen to have big heads and its unknown how exactly they can support the weight of their head, on their bodies, although this is why you dont see bi-pedal aliens alot, cos the way they covered that up was the use of quadrupedal walking to help offset the sheer weight and size of the head. But yeah, otherwise, its going well! Im quite impressed with it, and i cant wait til i get the front end done (heh, bye bye eyes :P).
Well I WILL agree with You tobias that I am "good" with painting, but I dont think Im THAT good.. Good enough to make them nice for table top, but thats about it. Ill see how things go within the next few days, as I am eager to get a bit more work done on the GS!
well about the weight of the head...who says that the head must be heavy just because it's big.
The skulls can actually be quite light. Maybe they use some sort of hollow bone/hollow room in their head *feels jokes coming up..* to make noices like the Parasaurolophus was supposed to do with a part of his head.
*google's a dino*
Well, from AvP, you get to see inside the Alien skull and well, its pretty fleshy, but thats about it. So the external shell is obviously quite hard and resistant, but its all mushy insides afterwards.
Its possible that the head has some form of use in communication whether it is psionic in nature or by manipulation of wind and current to produce sound.
In the end, im not worried, it looks fine, works with the theme, so im happy!!
Looks good.... (hey what else to say)
But it seems your posting spree has come to an end.
PS: I got them pics up
What he ^said : posting spree ended?
Posting Spree Ended...
I sense a great disturbance in the Force
was it something you ate? :P
We've been talking English on Erwin's blog for 2posts..without you being there lol.
c'mon..where's your 1 year anniversary post!!!
LIVE I tellss you ^^
I might even update my own blog this weekend.
... I think we should send him a MRU through the mail.......
or an MRI to see if there's still some brainactivity ;)
Heh, im Semi alive!!
I'll try and slowly get back into things and see how things go later this week.
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