So without further disruption, here are the pics with associated blurps....

The WIP Thousand Son.. Nothing major atm, basic conversion wise all I did was reposition the legs so he would be standing on the pile of rocks. I might add a bit more rocks so his foot is a bit more level, but it isnt too bad. Also filed down random bits of icons here and there, as for some reason, I dont think the Thousand Sons should have all the pointy features on their armor (but thats me). All that really needs to be done now is to patch up the leg section and maybe add some minor trim features back into the armor again. The latter isnt too important, but we'll see how things go.

Next up is the COMPLETED Battle Sister. The base isnt too bad (although next time Ill use craft glue over super glue). I like how its a predominant grey look, as it seems to bring out the more 'gothic' look to the mini. Otherwise, the mini itself is as shown previously, the base is the only new change.

Lastly, the Grey Hunter... Two pics are shown, one being a comparison of the initial WIP of it (as lame as it looks) compared to its final look. The last pic is the obligatory all angles pic. Heh, after looking at some of the pics, the paint job looks a tad bit messy in some areas, but oh well... If i spent making each mini look PERFECT, well, lets just say, if still be painting my second grey hunter.
Later this week I might take a pic of the first Tyranid Gaunt being done up, with all its magnetized goodnews (excluding biomorphs). Since my Devourer and Spine Fleets are still in early design, other than weapon biomorphs, nothing has been really written down. I should also TRY and finish off the paint scheme tests as well since that isnt alot of hassle. But thats pretty much it!
they look very sweet. Nice basing.
Although I kinda have a strange feeling towards the pack marking ..
*just being honest*
w00t.. The basing aint too bad.. Funny how basing will give a model a better feel of completion than just sticking it onto a regular unpainted base.
Blah.. the pack marking is NOT a love heart... That and it was hand painted, unlike the ones on the shoulder pads which were actually done with GS.
Heh, glad Im not the ONLY one that thinks less pointy bits on TS marines looks better (same goes with Slaanesh, but thats because they like the more curved type of trims).
Im glad I never started painting Sisters before now, as i would have done a really BAD job of doing it since Im still slowly "mastering" black-lining.
Heh, I think the Grey Hunter is messy dude ;) But thats ok, its not that often that folk will stand that close to the mini anyway to really notice the imperfections.
As for the Wolf Scouts.. they are right next to me.. In pieces :P Three of them have been some what cut up, the other three get a big tricky as they are the special weapons (melta/flamer, plasma, power weapons etc). Alas, we'll see how things go later this week. I might blu-tac one together just to get you off my case :P ;)
Although i swear now, if i ever make more wolf scouts, im using the legs that DONT have stupid purity seals on them!! Alternatively using Chaos legs might be an interesting idea (after the spikey trims have been removed) as it will give the armor a bit more 'ornate look'. Speaking of which, maybe ill change the legs on my Battle Leader for Chaos legs just for that ornate look.
As for the finished Hormagaunt, the NEW one isnt anywhere near done, the old paint tests arent too bad. I might take some snaps of them later on, since the scheme has pretty much hit its level of suitability. I also did a lil bit of SW painting, finished up a pair of legs and im still slowly prgressing through the "pack leader" marine. Hopefully I should get him done by the end of the month (thus meeting my SW Grey Hunter goal for the month) and if all goes well, if im lucky even scratch another Grey Hunter in there.
you could buy plastic scouts and GS them upto SW level. Makes posing a hell of a lot easier.
Blah.. Oh well.. Doesnt matter... I like how the Codex depicts them anyway, as the current Scouts dont fit the SW theme too well.... Yes.. thats my reasoning...
Although... blah.. Ill remember THAT for next time!
hehe the SoB looks great and I also agree on the less spikyness on the TS. They don't reeeaaally have need for such things As they don't reeeaaaaly presonalise anything... automatons, eh?
As for the Sw, gj. Buuut the eye isn't too sharp, there's some yellow on the underside of the helmet brow.
Well Ive looked at the general artwork for the Thousand Sons both Pre and Post Heresy, and I dont find that going the weird spikey route is really all "them". Automations or not, it just looks weird and bizarre.
Yeah, the paintjob on the SW was a bit sloppy, the eye is one area, and there is a bit on the top of the head and the backpack that look a bit messy. But oh well... My fine detail brush wanted to be evil and I think for next time ill paint the eyes before i paint the armor color so i can clean it up with a bit more ease.
On another note, finished cutting up all the legs for the Wolf Scouts (finally) and gawd never again do I want to do that. 6 sets of Marine legs... 6 sets of Marauder legs... NOT FUN! None the less, those parts are done now which is good. I also cleaned up a random marine mini to use as the basis of a AotL Vet Sgt (I blame Rico for this renewed interest). I wanna see if I can GS my own robes. If all goes well I COULD resume work on the AotL or if it comes out looking really, really bad, Ill just wait til the end of the year.
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