Done a tad bit more painting, but nothing really OUT there.... Just need to do some touch ups on the grey hunter (mainly his back pack) and that will be another one done. The sad thing is, all it needs is the metal areas done up and thats pretty much it. Blu-tac'd another Hunter to my lil kinder 'eggs' for painting, so the Space Wolves are going ok. Might do some more work on cleaning up the Wolf Scouts tonight since Im more in the modelling state of mind than painting. Cleaned up a Hormagaunt last night from the new gaunt box. Not sure how extensive ill go with the GS work, I know I obviously want to alter the head of course, but Im debating if I want to add the 'dorsal horns'. Sure I want it themed appropriately, but I dont want it to be spitting imitations of the Aliens. Plus I swear 'Nid plastics align up horribly when put together. Although I havent glued anything yet, I just did the dry run and I swear its full of mini spaces where pieces go together (and yes I did put the RIGHT pieces together). Also still debating what to do about the Ravener head. I do have a spare Warriors head floating around, and Im wondering if I want to use that OR stick with the old style Ravener head as the base for the head. Also annoyed I cant get that other rending claw for it, but I dunno, I might have another look at the random bits I have and assess how much GS work would be needed to make it look like the right arm (and not a left arm).
Should be doing some work on my EC this weekend at the lil get together we are having on sunday, although alot of it will be modelling based, as I dont feel like bringing all my paints with me. Might also do some minor work on my TS this week as well, since I have aimed to complete a single mini. Although alot of the modelling will be done in one go. Not sure how Im going to model them, as I dont want to keep using the static pose over and over. Guess I could try and model some random form of bolter butchery, but that be about it.
Also undercoated up the Battle Sisters base, so that shouldnt take too much work to finish up either. I might head back to that later tonight since it will be majority a grey base, although not as light as the Power Armor for the Sisters, as I would like color variation.
Lastly, just for the sake of argument, I also put together some pre finish and post finished pics, for the last Grey Hunter that was finish and the SoB. Im more impressed with the latter, as the initial paint concept for the Sisters was done in Photoshop. And although the armor looks more like a lavender, it still wasnt a bad approximation of what I had in mind. I also scanned one of my EC design pages, but Ill post that as a pic later on, although I guess I could do it now and be all lazy about it.....

So that is the EC design stuff... The sketches are pretty so-so, but Im not out to make fully detailed images, merely rough guides.

And there is the Comparison pic as well.. Although the Grey Hunter isnt anything major, I do like the comparison pic for the battle Sister. The scary thing is, that I almost paint better in Photoshop, if not actually do!
Anyway, thats this entry done!
and me thinking that the model'above'was the finished model. tssk :P
looking good.
Mabye just maybe I've got one spare talon lingering around which will be send to you with the rest. I also have some spare warrior heads if you're interested. Since they decided to get rid of the synapse gaunts ...
Well if you meant the Sister, it pretty much is finished.. I just need to do the basing :P
Some extra talons would be great and a few spare Warriors heads as well. Wont need alot, unless I keep picking up OOP Raveners.
Oddly enough.. Extra devourers wouldnt be a bad thing either :P Mwahahahhaaa... Then again... Given that Im starting off with a HtH orientated 'Nid army and then looking at a small-ish Devourer themed Army, Im sure ill keep dozens of Devourers later on anyway (in addition to the 40 odd I have already). Otherwise... I cant think of any other Nid bits....
Maybe Erwin has some marine bits left...
ooh and maybe we can send you some eldar corpse material.
oOoOoOo Corpse material is always good.. That reminds me, I need to ask for Guard bits from Rico so I can deadify them...
I'd be happy to provide your nids with food. I just need to sort out whats stuff I'm not using (I got quite the extensive 3rd ed bit box)
That and I need to gets me four of those targeters that come with the standard marine sprue
Mmmm 'Niddy food, nice!!
Are you out of those lil targeters/scopes? Cos Im pretty sure I have a few floating around in my bits boxes, considering I do have two marine armies and the fact that I dont use those targeters that often.
Tobias! You are still alive!! =D
Yeah, the sister turned out pretty good.. Im quite impressed with that, which is good as it saved me ALOT of actual color test on the minis.
Heh, Im sure the 'Nids will make excellent trophies for your Orks :P
The Wolf Scouts are slowly getting there, still got a fair bit of clean up to do, but yeah Im still happy with how they are going. Im sure ill do a few WIP shots as they slowly start taking shape.
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