The Shredder is pretty much now ready to go in terms of full undercoating and paint work. Denny's base on the other hand, is ready for the undercoat stage and then the fickle base detail work before i can slip her in. Since i have sunk the base, Denny will be the first model i have ever tried giving a scenic base to, so we'll see how that works out. Hopefully by the end of the week i'll have the base details completed and Denny happily inserted into her base. Fortunately for me, i only have 2 days of work this week (the rest of the week is day off aka "annual leave"; rostered day off, public holiday, saturday, sunday).
Anyway, here are the pics, and stop y0 bitching Eryx :P

I like these bases (just the plain base) better than the GW ones.
Is that a branch or an arm sticking out? It looks like it could be used as an arm :)
Yeah, the PP bases look very nice, sure they still have slots in them, but i do like the shaping of them, plus they seem alot more sturdy. I dont think you could sink a GW base like that and still have a base left.
The branch was from the Wood Elf Dryad box, but i'm pretty sure it wasn't one of their arms. It's a handy box to have.
omg..finally made the apocalypse pic update.
base looks really cool. nice work with the GS there too.
Anyway, GW bases can be 'fixed' easily enough by using multiples (preferably the 40mm ones)
psst, hey TAS, you alive?
I've seen you semi active on the B&C forums recently. So... what? You're on a hiatus?
Lol, I am ALWAYS on Hiatus :P
Nah, just been very busy with work, doing things here and there and yeah. I'm sitll hitting up the PP and B&C of course and plotting away the death of metal and plastic models by PAINTAGE!
Do hope to get some work pumped out very soon though ;)
yay for the comment-mail function.
I'll see if the rss feed starts blinking ;)
I had a sneaking suspiscion you were still spying on me :P
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