More pics of Deneghra and Asphyxious actually! Yeah I know, i'm going crazy on the painting, it's really weird. And oddly enough, it's helped to work out some of that kink in my neck/shoulder that has been bothering me all day.
Anyway, less babble today and more pics! Although why Gaspy's skull looks yellow-ish, I don't know but it was painting in 'Plague Brown' (one of my favourite colors since my AotL Terminator Robe incident).
Also nice to see how the purple/blue tint is now coming through in his armor. Not sure when Denny will get the same treatment as i might want to work on her skin before then (well whats left of it). I'm also thinking i should really try to work on her base so i can actually GLUE her to something versus having her floating around on the lil model holder, since i can manage to paint fairly ok given Gaspy has been glued to his base (which is coming out quite nicely). I also really want to re-develop my painting station since i've got like paints from 4 different ranges and it's hard to figure out what i have when they are in containers.
Anyway, as i said, less banter, more pic display today.

looking at Asphyxious, I somehow just want to buy Warmachine/Hordes models to paint. I really like the model and I like your painting.
I'm curious to see how Denny will come out. I like the painting, but somehow her 'helmet' reminds me of a joker.
I distinctly recall you saying, when you first saw the Gaspy model that you didn't think he was a very 'serious' model, so i like how your opinion has swayed, even with my attempt at painting!
In fact i'm still more impressed with Gaspy than i am Denny, then again, i never was great at painting flesh tones.
I've done a little bit of work since these pics, but I suspect the next pic update won't be until later this weekend. Hopefully by that stage, i might be up to the evil stage of highlighting Gaspy's robe and pick out some of the details to break up the current mass of colored metal.
yeah before he had a kind of 'Carnifex-smiley face' ;)
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