- Highlights on Asphyxious' robe. COULD have been better, but probably could have been worse. I actually DID do some mixing to get some mid grey-black tones before using the pure grey. Whether they show up or not, we'll see. I mean they don't look TOO bad, but i might have to alter my technique when i do Denny's robe.
- Denny's Metal bits. I don't know why i'm not happy with it, I'm just feeling a bit 'iffy' about it. Although her flesh looks ok, which is GOOD and i did manage to make a bit of a mouth for her with all the paint coating her face.
- Non-Metal areas on Gaspy. I was thinking that to try and break up the metal areas i'd do some flat paint here and there. It's ok, but i can say it isn't very forgiving (which is why i took my time inking Denny since i didn't want ink splatter on her skin areas). Sure they aren't finished yet, i still got a bit of a highlight or two to go, but eh, maybe i should have gone the bronze that i'm going to use for his remaining metal sections (since I'm avoiding gold since i want a more beaten and worn look).
Anyway, that's pretty much my general nit pics, otherwise, they don't too bad for my skill levels (and i swear they do feel more detailed than GW minis, so it is a bit of a leap for me). Will admit, when i looked at them in photoshop, they do both have a bit of a menacing look about them which is a GOOD sign!
So here are the pics!

you are really on a roll here!! I like how the mouth on Denny turnt out.
I bought some Chaos Black last thursday but I can't seem to find it anywhere, it really annoys me..I guess I'll have to start greenstuffing on my stealers first anyway.
Heh, let us see how much more stuff i get done prior to the end of the weekend before we conclude that "I'm on a roll here". Although i do hope to get the blue inking done on Denny by the end of the weekend. Although we'll see if she needs a second blue inking, since sometimes the first coat is still quite purple looking.
I like how her mouth turned out too, and it wasnt exactly intentional either, but she does have that weird 'smirk' about her.
Gah!? How could you LOSE paint!?!?! Nonetheless, at least you have GS work to do, so that will save some time whilst you go on a grand quest to find the missing Chaos Black.
Now that i look at it again, some of Gaspy's robe highlights did actually come out ok. I'm sure they will look a bit better when i do some of the basic metal stuff on his lower section to break up some of that black.
Lets hope to a good amount of work done on the last day of the weekend!
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