So here we go, pic update time.

The first pic is of my Thousand Son. Ehh, the pic is so-so, as the tabbard does not look THAT plain. However, im thinking i might have to do some work on it, to get some tones into it *shudders at the thought of mixing*. Alternatively ill try other colors for the tabbards as more TS Marines pump out the assembly line. Otherwise it wasnt too hard to pain, its the chest detail that annoys me and the fact it'll all be done in some metallic color (silvers and golds). Would have been easier to paint an EC marine. But yeah, not too difficult at all.

Last pic is of the Hormagaunt with his new head. Looks pretty ok for the first try, and future attempts as i get more used to what im doing i can get a tad bit more detailed etc etc. The base work is so-so, i think what i should have done is glued all sorts of junk to the base first and then started merging the GS into it, and to work on the half/half principle as its a pain to hold something like a base while you try to scrupt into it etc without accidently pressing fingers into the GS. Otherwise, im pretty happy with it being the first proper converted Tyranid (as simple as the conversion was). Just need to attach his other legs, his arms and paint him up!
So thats about it. In other news, my modular immolator turret went well. The only thing i need to sort out is the flamer canister, since it would look weird if its glued on while the Heavy Bolters or Multi Meltas are attached, so im thinking of how im going to work that around everything, without making it too complicated.
But what's the problem with the has to be painted..unless you want to leave it grey..
About the tabbards..well sometimes I like them..sometimes not.
Nid: yeah..fingerprints..I know how you feel.
now flop on paint..and you got a gaunt done :P
Psht, I just hate painting metal areas, they annoy the crap out of me >.<
Tabbards work well with the TS, other armies like say BT, its still pretty ok, on random Marines to make them look Gothic, ehhhh.... so-so
Fingerprints are evil, in any GS work I do, but i found smoothing out GS on a base is particularly difficult. But yeah, finishing the gaunt wont take that long :P
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