Finally did some work on Deneghra's backpack, since i wanted some life in her Witch Barbs (helps work with the rules and looks plain ole kick ass). Ive finished converting the barbs, so the next stage will be to fix them all into position (i take it that will NOT be an easy step). My only 'regret' is not having done the last two barbs, although if i pick up the Epic Deneghra model, ill be sure to do all the barbs.
Anyway here is the pic:

In some minor 40K news, SoB bases have been finished and undercoated and im slowly undercoating their backpacks as well. Maybe another week or so before thats all done (give or take, id say give). Im slowly trying to clear up what stuff i have on my desk now, which is mainly Sisters of Battle, Lion Guard Terminators and Space Wolves. Should any of those get finished, ill be sure to post some pics.
Are those chains bendable?
Looks like a cool thingie.
The Chain is regular jewellery chain, the smallest i could get cos i want to try and keep it within mini scale. So naturally its very moveable :P
You'll see in the latest update what some glue, some patience and a heater will do.
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