So what has been happening as of late? Guess we should go through step by step then:
- Ive been continuing the paint work on the Sisters and so far it isnt too bad. Not happy with their Ecclisiarchy symbol that hangs on their robes (pic makes the paint look excessively thick which i know it isnt). However the pic is a tad bit old now, so once i do the last highlight step hopefully they will look a tad bit better. Still need to work on their backpacks (havent even touched them paint wise) and the 5 Sisters themselves arent too far off from being completed. Can they be done by the end of the week? Who knows, although alot of the remaining work is highlighting so it isnt too bad. I should also try and finish up their bases since i did start 'carving' into one.
Here is the pic:

Other than that, been doing bits and pieces here and there. Did a lil bit of work on a Grey Hunter, did a lil bit on a Thousand Son and started up a color test for something else. The color test is going well thus far, and i could probably have that done by the end of the week (surprisingly enough).
I should also add, a friend of mine sent me the Culln FW mini as well as a '06 Catalogue and yeah, i can see myself (one day) picking up some more FW stuff. What im going to do with the Culln mini i have no idea, probably make it into an AotL mini of some sort, but given how much detail is on the mini itself, i have no idea how much additional work ill do to it (as i dont want to kill have the detail on the mini).
- Been going on some major ass Ebay hauls (got a box of Mercenaries, which have been washed and everything). I have another Warpack incoming (should get that by the end of the week i hope), the Escalation Rulebook (at half price, incl the P&H cost compared to the retail price), the first Issue of No Quarter and yet another Haley mini. Also have a Cryx order from the person i got the Mercenaries from since the price was good and he didnt kill me with the P&H charge (which im sure most other ebay sellers would have at least doubled the cost). Since i have a fair few extra stuff from the BfM box, im using some of the Termagants as test models for my Cryx color scheme. Fortunately enough i have a semi good idea of what i want (the last time i did color tests for my 'Nid army paid off) as the brown-chrome look really good me interested so i hope to play around with that.
So overall im quite happy, got plenty of stuff to do and i seem to be still doing stuff which is good (and trying to take the occasional pic here n there). Hopefully if the weather is good tomorrow i can spray coat the 3 gants i have set aside. Also plan to pick up my Everblight warpack this week as well, not sure if ill wait til friday night to do it or do it before then.
Thats about it, and yeah ill try to update more :P
YAY. See it wasn't that hard :D
A redhead sister ey ;)
I just requested the FW folder on their website and they sent it for free :D
ooh, nice redhead.
Well I didnt wanna be stuck with the same ole hair color throughout the whole army. The Red came out ok, but it could have been a tad bit better.
And it wasnt difficult at all to update :P
I'll try for another update later in the week, hopefully with another pic of the Sisters, although lazy ole me still needs to work on getting these bases sussed out. Hopefully i can get them done tomorrow, although in the future i think ill try out GS'ing (the way that Erwin did it) as that came out looking fantastic. Plus i decided to stick to black visors on the helm'd gals. I was thinking about doing it in gold, but i thought about it, when it comes to doing the Celestians, the head is going to be gold overload and the black helms dont seem to out of place since it matches the weapon casings.
Also hope to show off the latest test mini ive been working on as well, although an army of it wont be for some time.
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