So 'ere we go again:
Picked up Everblight on friday night, and thats been washed (letting it dry now) so that will mean all my WM stuff that i own has been cleaned and ready for well painting and modelling. Also picked up the remaining 4 metal paints from the VGC range that i didnt have so that should work well with my Cryx stuff. My WM spending will probably settle down now, if i can get a hold of the Cryx Starter pack ill get that, but thats the only big thing that i want (that's some what essential). Other stuff we'll see how things go since i still got alot of reading to do.
Lets see.... Did some more painting and ive pretty much finished the 5 Sisters i started on (minus backpack and bases). Im pretty happy with them (could be better) but they are a step ahead the original test mini. Still getting used to painting Sisters, but im fairly happy with how they turned out.

I believe i mentioned it before but i started a random Chaos mini test fig and finished it tonight (although it is a tad bit messy). But since its a test mini, im not too worried about it as i just wanted to see how the color worked out, which i feel worked out quite well. Also did some freehand work on the model, the Legion icon being the best bit, atlhough one part didnt look too good cos 1. too much paint on the brush at the time and 2. gets masked out by the battle damage.
So what was this Chaos Legion? (clearly it wasnt the EC). Well, since you are all dying to know it was Word Bearers (mainly cos i wanted something red and the fact i dont have a non cult based Chaos army).
However ill let the pics speak for themselves (and i know, it is a bit of a messy job, but its only a test mini). I also decided on a black trim versus metal, but come the army i might mix n match the two for some diversity.

Thats it for today, ill try and post again by the middle of next week.
PS Having to use Photobucket since blogger doesnt want to upload pics today. It will also most likely fudge up the layout too but oh well....
wordbearers eh? I like the freehand, though the badge could do with some practice (even without the battle damage), I know I know, who am I to speak with my simple bluelines. But all is not lost, the script looks good and the flame on the face is rockin'.
About the trim: the csm plastic d00ds have these nice curvy trims that scream GIMME METAL! I dunno, black would just look odd to me. 2cts.
Well thats some of the first major freehand i have done. Especially for a Legion symbol. As i said, it isnt great, but it isnt bad either. The only things that made it look less than appealing was the Battle Damage the excess white for the eyes/nose bit.
Yeah i know the CSM models :P Ive seen a few black trim'd WB and they dont look too bad (just need some highlights) and i did one or two black trim'd EC as well and it does look nice. But i will alternate between metal and black.
I only used the BfM SM cos i didnt wanna kill a good CSM model for a simple test.
The sisters look nice :D
Now on to the basing.
The testpainting has worked for you in the past, so I'd say continue. Just practice and practice till your satisfied :D
Yeah test painting has always been something ive liked, as it did really certify alot of my ideas.
For some reason FF wanted to be stupid and didnt refresh as often as it should have so i didnt see your comment for a while.
well, I didn't comment directly so it could have been that the comment just wasn't there yet ;)
But I know what you mean, I've 'seen' comments that stayed off radar.
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