Did some minor work on tweaking her head (repositioning it) without needing to cut the whole head off the model and i might do some minor tweaks to her arm. The barbs came out well, although there is one barb that looks just a tad bit messy (chain looks like its linking over itself). That aside i am happy with it and im sure painting the model will be a very interesting task.
So for all those folk that want to make some in movement chain, all you need is chain, glue, patience and a heater :P
Here are the pics:

looks very sweeeeet. Great idea with the chain :D
It does give the chain a little more KACHING! power. This way it's more "whippy" if you know what I mean.
the original looked kind off...
erm... wishy... like it's going out there at minimum speeds.
good job, though make sure she's standing upright on the base, it looks a bit odd for her to be leaning backwards.
well the 'original' was no means the final product (which alot of people assumed). Merely a WIP of what had been done.
I just noticed the random arc in her back as well, even though you can clearly see she is standing upright (on her own two feet as well unaided) without any issues. However i may try and pose the model slightly forward to compensate for the weird angle of her back (as shown in the side pics).
Incredible work! : )
dear lord update already!
But where is the fun in that :P
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