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Pre-Paint pic of my Thousand Sons Test Mini
So here we go, as i promised, a pic of the test mini being used for my Thousand Sons. I wont be going too outlandish with the scheme and it will actually be the nice traditional colors (thought i'd paint one army in tradiational colors). The pic of the mini with its undercoat was rather dark, so i didnt put it to the blog, but i will post the address of my Thousand Sons gallery at photobucket. On the note of photobucket, whoa, i finally come back and now its got the new function of being able to link back to a blogging program, so im rather impressed to be honest.
Goals for March, umm, from what i can think of, here they are:
March Goals
- Paint up Test Thousand Sons Mini
- Continue painting/converting Space Wolves Grey Hunters
Thats about it really. I suspect ill do other things, but those are the ones i want to aim for this month!
Keep watching this space!!!
Doh, had to edit the post cos Photobucket made it look REAL weird with the formatting. I also forgot to put the link to my photobucket (Thousand Sons Section)
Hi there, finally remembered to pop in... Very embarrasing... Sorry...
Anyways, nice pic of that Thousand Son, old schools, eh..? I like him.
And you have March goals, I haven´t put up any yet, won´t be any Space Wolves atleast, but I´m working on my Cadians right now.
But enough of my crap (I hear you cry ;) )!
What are you feeling like, fixing now..? Keeping up the momentum with the Space Wolves or do some Thousand Son work..?
Cheers for now,
Howdy Tobias!!
Heh, its ok if you havent been regularly popping in.
Indeed, that Thousand Son is an old school model, and i believe i got it off ebay. Im not surprised that you havent concerned any Space Wolves Goals for this month, but its nice to hear that you are looking at working on your Cadians!!
Im not sure what i feel like doing, i know i want to get that Thousand Son test paint mini completed, but i suspect it will be do that and get back to work on my Grey Hunters, or possible a mix of the two, as i can only deal with so much blue or blue grey at one time.
Keep popping in!!
Well, I have an idea, you could work on both.
Chopping up the Thousand Son would give you lots of nice trophies for the Grey Hunters! ;)
I´m only kidding, doing that would be heresy (because it´s an old nice model, Thousand Sons deserve chopping otherwise 8) ).
What´s the status of your Space Wolves? Ten Grey Hunters almost finished? You haven´t started on the Blood CLaws yet, eh..?
And nothing new for the Emperors Children or Dark Angels of yours..?
Well, I have an idea, you could work on both.
Chopping up the Thousand Son would give you lots of nice trophies for the Grey Hunters! ;)
I´m only kidding, doing that would be heresy (because it´s an old nice model, Thousand Sons deserve chopping otherwise 8) ).
What´s the status of your Space Wolves? Ten Grey Hunters almost finished? You haven´t started on the Blood CLaws yet, eh..?
And nothing new for the Emperors Children or Dark Angels of yours..?
Well, I have an idea, you could work on both.
Chopping up the Thousand Son would give you lots of nice trophies for the Grey Hunters! ;)
I´m only kidding, doing that would be heresy (because it´s an old nice model, Thousand Sons deserve chopping otherwise 8) ).
What´s the status of your Space Wolves? Ten Grey Hunters almost finished? You haven´t started on the Blood CLaws yet, eh..?
And nothing new for the Emperors Children or Dark Angels of yours..?
So NOW i see your mad posting frenzy :P
For some reason, im not a huge follower of chopping up my own armies to serve as another armies decorations. Sure, the Wolves and Sons have alot of history, but i doubt id ever do it.
As for my Grey Hunters, i did about 45 mins worth of painting today, although im far from having 10 Grey Hunters anywhere NEAR finished. I might post a pic later this week of what i have done, just so you can see how things are going as it has been a while since i have done a Wolves pic.
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