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New Update (Just for Tobias)
Here you go Tobias, an update JUST for you :P The only stuff that has changed in this pic from the last pic is that i have completed the base coating on the left marine. Doesnt look too bad actually. Next stages are to work on his torso area and his wolf pelt. The marine on the right only has his torso blu tac'd on, as it would have been a pain to paint the pelt given how close it is to parts of the base without screwing it up completely. So my Hunters are FINALLY taking shape and form. The black lining isnt too bad, although the arm for the marine on the left has some really poor black lining here and there. The bases (ruins) need more work. After discussing with Tobias, im probably going to go over them with a black ink and then dry brush cold grey (vallejo) followed by stonewall grey (vallejo). Hopefully that will make it look alot more pleasing. Alas, i need to purchase a bottle of black ink (GW) as im not up for making an ink out of my own black paint. I cant think of anything else to add at this point in time.
As for the sisters front, still in thought about that, although im thinking i might do a light grey for the armour (not lavender as my photobucket test images may show). There were a few other colors i thought about, like turquoise, but i think the light grey might be nice. It's a shame i dont have any spare sisters models to use for test purposes, so the first one has to be dead perfect *groans*.
Before i forget, the concept of blogging has caught on, and Tobias now has one, here is the link (assuming i can link it right):
Tobias's Blog
If it doesnt work, ill just edit or put it in again at a later date with the actual address.
New pic of my Grey Hunters (just for Tobias). Here you can see the finished stages of the base coat of the marine on the left. The marine on the right has his torso blu-tac'd on for the image. You can also see the work done on the bases, but that needs to be redone with some black inking and dry brushing. For more details, read the stuff BEFORE this pic! This will also be placed on my photobucket account as well. 
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