Im also in the process of rethinking my Sisters of Battle colors. Although i was thinking grey armor, with the new Wolves army, im less convinced that is the right way to go. The only down side is that it doesnt leave me with much options. With my Dark Angels, Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children and Space Wolves armies, ive already used 95% of the available color palettes available. I think i havent touched yellow, but i dont think i will, not for my Sisters. Im trying to avoid the standard schemes used in the more commonly known Sisters Orders, thus no black, silver, red or white. Sure, im using red robes, but that works with my Sisters Order, plus i rarely paint red robes. I could try a light blue shade, but im not sure. I just wish there was an easy flash painting guide for sisters available like the Space Marines one, as it would make life so much more easier. Currently, i just go painting a Sisters pic image to test color schemes. In the end, i dont think im anywhere near closer to determining a final color scheme for my sisters.
However, i will end my rant there and pick it up next time.

A Paint in Progress pic of my Space Wolves. You'll see that im trying to do the whole black lining thing again (Far Left Legs). Im sure ill add some stuff by editing the post through blogger!

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