Just a bit more GS work needs to be done (hoods and basing) and after that its minor things before the painting stage which should actually be pretty easy! Guess it pays to paint Sisters of Battle as im getting used to painting robes on armor.
Anyway the pic will be attached at the end of my rant bit, but yeah, with a week or so left to go, im quite happy with the progress i have made. With the amount of work less than what it was before, i can be fairly optimistic that ill make the deadline for the AoD and honor the Angels of the Lion with an appearance there.

looking good!
You could consider cutting the skull with wings off, gs over it and place it (a skull with wings) on top of the dress. Now it looks kinda like a décolleté ;)
I could do that, but i wanted it to be partly open cos there was a purity seal on the chest eagle (which has been semi covered up) and i didnt want to remove that completely. I could have filed off all the chest bits, but i felt that would be "unusual" as i dont think in terms of 40K mechanics, they go filing off armmor sections when they wear robes :P
But im hoping it will look better once all the paint has been slapped on, plus I was painting in a semi rush and didnt think about glueing the torso to the legs until AFTER i had done the GS work, so it a bit of a silly move, otherwise i would have had more control of the GS>
So yeah, next time, less GS for chest robes, but otherwise, its going in the right direction.
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