Here is the Aspiring Sorcerer:

And here is the Nightwretch:

I probably won't have alot of time this week to do more work, but i'll see if i can do something for next weekend!
My Personal 'Progress Site' covering the various Miniature Gaming hobbies i engage in. Although more geared towards Warhammer 40,000 (and Games Workshop), segments of Warmachine (From Privateer Press) will also be featured. This will allow me to keep track of all my ideas for both 40K and WM systems (since my memory is somewhat diminished) and show my progress with each.
is the lightblue the final color for the 'robe' thing?
As for the rest: nice.
The nightwretch lookes like a mechanical Carnifex :)
Nice!! I'll try to get some work done this week, and will definitely have a painting session with a friend next weekend, so things wíll get finished.
I'll take pics of the last 2 warriors (probably still WIP).
The robe will probably go up to a white and i have done another layer on top of that base since the pic was taken. So it's definitely getting somewhere.
Heh, the 'wretch does look like a mechanical Carnifex, except it's only a mere fraction of the size. I'll probably need to buy some new paints this week since my greens arent too extensive in the shades that im after.
Depending how time goes this week (which thus far, not too crash hot) i'll see if i can get some more work done, but there is alot of O/T happening at work, so i might not get the time to.
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