The main update is pretty much on the Warmachine aspect (since I didn't really touch the Sisters last night, although they arent too far from being done (excluding their backpacks)). I slapped on the second inking (the main color) and they didn't turn out half bad (felt like i was pimpin' my 'nids). Although I do want to do a few more color trials, the Flesh Chrome (for me) is turning out to be the best, but the other colors aren't too bad. If the Third stage testing with the blue and purple work well, I might even go with them.
Anyway.. I bet ye folk wanna see pics!
First pic is of the 4 colors side by side to give you an idea of what they look like individually. The flesh one was done AGES ago back when I was doing my 'Nid color tests, where as the blue, green and purple were done last night.

The last pic is mainly showing off them off.

Hopefully I'll get the third paint stage done tonight and try to get the Sisters feet done so i can glue them down to their bases.
Already made the 'touching the sisters joke..'
I like the purple ones best!
It has a nice alien ichor feel to it.
Any idea what the secondary colors will be??? or won't there be any?
About the sisters: 'glue them bitches' sisters of battle :P
Teh Procrastinator
Already made the "touch your sister joke"...
Yeah i liked the Purple one as well, it still has a relatively dark and brooding feel (just bare in mind, Im not doing this for the sole purpose of painting 'nids :P).
Secondary color(s) will be something along the lines of bone perhaps, definitely a flat non-metallic color. I might try and go these rather pale-off hues (bone, off-green (like Death Guard I guess)) and stuff like that.
And as for the Sisters, I'll glue them tonight :) Might even get another photo session (assuming I also do some more inking on some of these Nids cos I wanna test a few more color combos).
touché ;)
damn you really started up again!!
Well I'm going at it starting the coming holidays.
Targets: Broodlord!!!!!
My thrope can be finished too. I've been using it half-done (people can't complain it's unpainted..just unfinished).
I want to magnet my fex badly!
Well touching is fun :P
Yuh, I have indeed started back up again :D (Now if only FF would behave and actually refresh my darn blog so i can tell when I have comments, versus finding out 5 days later).
Go on.. Magnetize the 'fex :P I know I will (eventually). Not sure what targets I want thus far, guess we'll restart that whole goals thing for each month again and see if i can last more than 3 months....
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