I Have stuff for both WM and 40K so I guess let us get the show on the road!
So first up 40K and I finally did the feet for the SoB and based them. They look pretty snazzy, although my camera-fu has some what dropped a few notches over time (I really need to get a dedicated spot for taking pictures). I am fairly happy with them thus far (the bases really help as well). Sure the paint work could still use some help, but hey, glad i painted them now versus several years ago (where they would probably look REALLY crap). Next phase is the backpacks (and one last sister who is pretty much floating around getting slowly painted). However with that being said, it is nice to have a lil bit of painting space back on the table (doesn't look as cluttered and lets me have a quick sigh of relief). I'll try to aim to have their backpacks done by the end of the year, but we'll see how things go. Next 40K "project" I guess will be to resume work on these AotL terminators (who sadly have been collecting some dust). I still have ALOT of work to do on them, although if i can get their bases done up, that will be one less hassle.

Lastly WM. Did some extra chrome tests, namely experimenting with putting an additional color on the existing one. Honestly? It turned out ok (although green sucks alot, except when put on blue). At the top we have Green Ink applied over the Blue (from yesterday) from the mid section to the tail (since I wanted to keep some of the blue showing). Although the pic doesnt do it justice, it actually looks like a very chrome based sea-green (a blue-green shade) which looks really nice. A potential color for Pirate based fleets for sure (I can forsee painting a Leviathan in this scheme thats for sure). The last two are a tad bit hard to tell apart but this was the scheme i was looking for! Middle one is Purple ink over the blue (once again the pic doesnt do it justice) and it has a very nice chameleon look to it (if you have seen 'wet' midnight-blue that is quite close to what it looks like). Only downside about doing the purple over the blue is that the color ends up a tad bit darker (versus Blue ink over purple). However it isnt a bit hassle (and will probably help add some diversity to the color in terms of shades). Last pic is just Blue ink over purple (which actually looks lighter than Purple over blue). Still very nice and still does what I want. And for you 2nd edition 'Nid lovers, yes it does look kinda Genestealer like.

In the end that is exactly the scheme I was looking for (and it wasnt very difficult to achieve either). Might try and do some secondary color testing on those models before i proceed to the actual minis, but so far I am liking their primary color scheme. It has that nice I'm evil look, without having to be traditional black. Heck in certain light angles, it does look a tad black (and sometimes a tad bit blue and even purple, heh).
I also picked up some Water Effects stuff up from ebay (hurray). It's also kinda weird when the seller knows you by first name basis (suffice to say I get a fair bit of stuff from him). So that will mean my Cryx bases are pretty much sussed out now.
As for the Flesh Chrome, I would still like to keep that but I have no idea where i'll use it. I may end up using it on more of the squad based units (thralls and the like) since i do rather fancy that scheme too, but ultimately, it was the blue/purple chrome look i wanted to achieve.
That pretty much sums everything up for this update. I'll try to update again in the next few days with more goodies.
you're on a roll!
They look nice!
I like the last one best!
As said in a just posted reply on the other post..(can't keep up ;) )
I'll get stuff done this coming holidays!!!
I'd better!
Oh heck yeah im on a roll, 6s for me baby!!
Heh, yeah i like the last one and second last one the best. Nothing like a Chrome Blue/Purple/Black look. Dark and evil and has some color!
Heh, if you actually DO have holidays, you had better get stuff done as I only get a few days to call "holidays".
hehe I got 2 weeks.
And after that I have to make a report and some other reports need a bit of fixing.
But there SHOULD be plenty of time to paint a lot.
Don't you have like a week or so ...summer holidays? Or did you decide to work all summer???
Two weeks is plenty of time :D
Nah, I dont get holidays with work, well i can like not go in, but that just means I dont get paid, so yeah. Pretty much means i work all year long... Did a lil more painting last night, nothing too overly out there. Probably won't be doing anymore til the weekend (I would REALLY like to sleep tonight and i have a lil party on friday night to attend).
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