First up is the Sisters, and so far 3 of the 5 models have had the final coat done to their armor (the two on the left still need to be done). So far im quite happy with how its turning out (looks better than the test mini for some reason too). Tonight i hope to finish off the last two girls so i can do the touch ups here and there and move onto doing the robes (plus while i do the touch ups on these models i can touch up my Lion Guard at the same time).

Next up is the Thousand Sons mini ive been semi working on (it isnt a priority so it isnt getting alot of attention). Still alot to do on it, so its no where near complete (tabbard needs to be reworked, metal areas arent finished etc).

Lastly is the lone Hormagaunt who has had a few coats of boltgun to give him a nice metallic look before i do the black wash. Looking ok, im DEBATING if i want to do another metallic coat before doing the wash, but we'll see how things go.

Tonight? As i said hope to get the Sisters done, touch up the Lion Guard Torsos and that be it. Anything else will pretty much just be bonus stuff.
4 comments: might be able to put an army together by proxying stuff by putting all armies together ;)
Looks nice.
How did you make the tabbard? Or was it from the rack? We've got this real thin plasticcard. Erwin should update his log by posting a pic of the Techmarine armour. That shows how thin and easy to work with it is. When seeing this tabbard I think we could even make a custom tabbard from plasticcard by folding and melting/heating a bit. The ends can be cut into any shape(by scissors for instance).
But I'd like to see a better pic of the gaunt. Atm you've taken a pic into the lamp, making it even shinier than it already is :D
Heh, i could proxy stuff, but my armies are growing nicely.
The Tabbard on the TS is part of the mini, so that wasnt any work on my part, but i do have to paint it a tad bit better.
Im sure ill get a few more better pics of the gaunt as time goes on :P
Great detail.
Thanks for the comment Alex :D
Although im just working with the detail that each mini inherently has (well to the best of my ability anyway).
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