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Lion Guard Update, Part 8
Surprisingly enough, yes i am still painting up these guys, but i can safely say the torso sections are indeed nearing completion (which is good). Mainly minor work here and there, but im fairly happy with the results (im sure the next time i attempt terminators of any sort they will look alot better). Ill probably try to clean up the armor tomorrow (since it's only a coat or two of black). Ill also try and finish up the lil sensor lights, although they wont be too crash hot, but at least they will have some color on them. The left arms are coming out nicely as well and they should be done by the end of the week. As for the right arms, well they are just a pain and who knows when they will be done. I suddenly wish i magnetised all their arms and torsos but oh well. Overall im still fairly happy with these guys, and they do look better when viewed without a camera. Im hoping once each torso is finished and the bases set up, the pictures will look a tad bit better.
I've also been doing some random painting on the Hormagaunt (which looks fairly metallic atm) and working out how to paint pink well for my EC (suffice to say it isnt working TOO well). Im hoping to stop by an art shop tomorrow and have a squiz at a few acrylic paint ranges as i want to try and find a pink paint that i can use to highlight vallejo squid pink with.
I've also been randomly playing with Genestealers as well and have 4 bases set up thus far. I might set up one fairly 'normally' as i want to use it in some pics. And that is pretty much about it for this lil 40K entry.

Well as far as I can see they look quite nice.
Are the arms still in the rack?
About the stealer..
*Remember kids, don't play with stealers!*
niice, I was scepticle about the yellow at first, but with the different colors brought in (sword sheaths, belts etc) it keeps looking better and better!
The arms are indeed still on the 'rack' but they are going ok. I should probably stop being lazy and patch up the yellow so i can move on with at least the left arms.
Yeah the beginning stages of the yellow was a bit weird, esp when i was using orange, but now they came out looking really nicely and with the stuff in front of them done and the models almost finished, the splashes of color here and there really help bring everything out.
Im planning on picking some some matt varnish this week so i can rest a bit easier knowing my termies arent having their basecoat being slowly rubbed off, but other than that they are really getting close to being done.
Im sure once i stick on an arm or two things will look alot better too.
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