'Random' pic of Denny, just showing that she does have a wee bit more paint on her since the last time she appeared here. I'm sure i could apply more metal to her if i really wanted to since she is going to have her metal areas in that nice purple/blue metal ink look.

Rest of the pics are of Asphyxious (minus arms). For those too familiar with the stock model, you will notice that his head has had a repose (with the help of some GS). I also added some GS smoke since i didn't want him to look exactly like the stock model. His arms will be done in a different repose as well, but obviously haven't been included. HOPEFULLY come the end of the weekend, or at least come early next week, he shall have some black paint on him (also need to texture his base too while i am at it).

'her metal parts' sounds funky ;)
But she's got somekind of chain around her waist with the (spiked?) ball wich looks like it needs metal.
I like the model, except in the pic it almost looks like her mouth is barely visible.
The other one is also cool, I like the smoke and the base. But the model looks more funny than scary though :)
ooh and expect pics of a new (old model though) zoanthrope soon.
Denny has plenty more metal segments that need to be worked on, i think the last time i touched the model was months ago, so there is plenty of work to be done for sure. Yeah the mouth work on the model isn't too fantastic, but that'll get worked on when i do more work on the skin tone.
Asphyxious isn't exactly supposed to LOOK scary, although maybe he looks funny since he has no arms...
I textured parts of the cork base today, so tomorrow should be happy black undercoat slapping day.
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